Healthy Habits 101:
How To Feel Good Without The Overwhelm
Healthy Habits 101 is a free email mini-course where you’ll learn . . .
A step-by-step method to make progress so you don’t have to get overwhelmed by changing your whole life overnight.
The MOST important (and often missed) to-do’s BEFORE taking action so you are prepped for success
The best way to start feeling good without signing up for the next restrictive fad diet.
A lot of moms struggle to take care of themselves.
They've realized they CAN'T do one more diet that makes them feel bad about themselves, but they don't know how to "get it together" without one. So they feel stuck and hopeless.
I figured out how to get going on my health goals without the need for guilt and shame, and I feel better than ever. My favourite strategy used simple, repeatable steps to clarify what I wanted, why I wanted it, and how to start DOING it.
If you feel like the diet gurus and corporations have made a mess of your health and self-confidence, you are not alone, and it's not your fault.
The biggest mistake I see moms making is they think they have to do what all the gurus say, and they have to change everything overnight.
I'm Christina Claytor, and I'm here to show you how you can get going on feeling good.
You need a simple process to try healthy habits to find what makes you feel good inside and out. So you can be healthy and have energy left for the things you love.
Healthy Habits 101 shows you how.